Register Here I’d like to extend an invitation to a short webinar focused on our Spring 2024 Product Enhancements which will include: · New - Rate For Term Locked Cap Strategy on ForeAccumulation II FIA*· Increased Max Issue […]
Click Here to RegisterJoin Laurence Black, founder of The Index Standard®, as he shares expert insight on why custom indices may have a valuable place in an annuity, especially in a world of higher inflation and fluctuating interest rates. You’ll learn about: What is driving the need for custom indicesWhy a risk control feature can be […]
Click Here to RegisterA Seamless Approach to Life InsuranceAccess resources designed to simplify the sales process and expand business.Reduce confusion and increase performance by providing clients with clear and concise plans that fit their needs and evoke trust. Utilizing advanced strategies that assist in the sales cycle from start to finish can help create efficiency […]
First Wednesday of Every MonthRegister once, and event should appear as recurring on your calendar.Register Here:
Join us for an upcoming webinar where we’ll debunk the idea that split dollar is too complicated of a strategy to employ in your practice. We’ll break it down by: Building the strategy from the ground up to give you the basicsDefining the two distinct marketsReviewing the benefits and considerations of the strategy’s different flavorsWebinar Information: Attention […]
Who doesn’t love to work more efficiently? Lucky for you, Web-Based Illustrations can help make running illustrations for life insurance easier and faster! Attend this webinar to learn how to illustrate our ADDvantage Term, GUL and GIUL Products and access different reports in North American’s Web-Based Illustrations Platform. Click Here to Register
Click Here to Register Join us for a live webinar to see why more and more top producers are incorporating conversations around death benefits into their retirement income planning conversations.In this session, we will cover:CheckmarkA solution for creating a legacy that lasts by guaranteeing a payout to your clients' beneficiariesCheckmarkHow to reduce the potential for […]